Lydia's dead. She saw one of these materpieces and died. Kate laughed so hard she snorted coffee on her shirt and now she has a boobstain, so she might as well be dead, too.
My daughter is now 8. Last year she made her communion and she LOVED her dress.She loved it so much that all she did was draw pictures of it.I almost choked on my damn coffee when I saw this one. Also notice the scary alien people behind the dress:
My daughter brought this home from her Christian preschool. It's called "The Big Dipper." And yes, those are stars pouring out of the tip of the rocket. She was 4 1/2 when she made it. It hung on the fridge for a year and a half just so that visitors could admire her rocketpenis work.
A note from my 8 year old daughter. The front, a very sweet note. On the back, a picture of Mom’s favorite drink. I told her to please not draw that at school:
My daughter came home with this from preschool yesterday. It's a paper mache' piece of artwork she made. She likes archeology type things and made a "bone". That is similar to what I was thinking it was but not quite the same meaning of the word... I will let you be the judge.
My sisters looked at me funny when I showed them this piece. Not sure what to make of it, but my daughter seemed really proud and hasn't since killed any small animals or anything. So I'm not too worried:
(c)Herding Turtles, Inc. 2009 - 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
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