I hadn’t gone more than a few feet when I noticed the door of the minivan next to me opening. I SLAMMED on my brakes, causing the van to rock a little as it stopped. Then I saw the tippy top of a small head walking an inch from the passenger side of my massive van. A small boy then climbed into the open door of the vehicle parked next to me. A second after that, his mother came running behind him, a baby in her arms.
I go through big stretches of each day on auto-pilot, just trying to get through the thing and onto the next thing. I don’t even realize how many choices I’m making, how many consequences I’m throwing out there. There are long stretches where I’m focused and engaged, but it would be a lie to say that I don’t check out mentally far more than I should. Even when I get a chance to just sit and catch a moment, I choose to check out. I look at my phone and call it down time.