Instagram: @mommylandrants
Twitter: @mommylandrants
FB: Facebook.com/RantsFromMommyLand
I know it's annoying to spell it out like this - but if you knew the amount of PR spam we get every day.
I read (and truly appreciate) every single email, but I'm just not able to respond to them all. I sincerely apologize in advance for my douchiness. I know it's lame. But a huge part of the problem is wading through the hundreds of spammy emails I get each week. I really apologize.
And if you're a PR person please note that I DO NOT DO PRODUCT REVIEWS OR WORK FOR FREE. If you send me a spammy email, I will just delete it or ask not to be contacted again. You're the reason I can't respond to everyone's emails and that makes me feel sad in my hearts. Yes, I have more than one heart.
Please note that our old lydia and kate (at) rantsfrommommyland (dot) com and admin (at) rantsfrommommyland (dot) com email accounts are fatally broken - I'm very sorry! If you sent us an email there, there's a pretty good chance that we didn't get it.)
I have an unhealthy love for Facebook and you can pretty much find me there all the damn time. There's almost 70,000 of us on Facebook acting stupid together, so please come on over and join us.
You can also find me on Twitter on www.twitter.com/MommylandRants
Though I completely suck at Twitter, so consider yourself warned. Have you ever asked your grandmother to text you something on an iPhone? And she's all like - "I DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS. I THINK IT'S BROKEN. HERE, TAKE THIS BACK. I DON'T LIKE IT. NO, IT DOESN'T WORK. OUCH. TAKE IT BACK, IT HURT ME."
That's me on Twitter.
I'm also on Pinterest, which I adore even though I'm pretty sure I'm doing it all wrong.
Check us out at Instagram.com/Mommylandrants
And you can always Subscribe
Honestly, I have no idea how that subscribe button works. It's supposed to be good though.
EMAIL (again):
You can always email me: admin (at) rantsfrommommyland (dot) com
xo, Lydia